08 Oct Black History Author Visit
This week, we had the pleasure of hosting a visit by Claire Linney, author of the best-selling children’s book Time Tub Travellers, as part of our Black History Month celebrations. Claire shared her personal journey, including her experiences growing up in leafy Surrey, then moving to London and the influences that shaped her as both a writer and advocate for diversity. In addition to reading an extract from her book, Claire engaged our children in conversations about representation, the importance of diversity in storytelling, and the ongoing fight against racism. She also offered historical perspectives that highlighted key moments and figures in Black history. Our pupils were especially thrilled about this visit, having already begun writing units inspired by Claire’s life and work – Claire even found time to pop into one of our Year 5 classes to fact-check some of the excellent biographies written by the children. Please click on the link to hear what she had to say about The Winns. Click Here