Science at The Winns
At The Winns, we value science as a subject which stimulates awe and wonder in our everyday lives. We believe science can have a transformative effect on children, helping them to become curious and inspired by the world around them. We believe that a high-quality science education should engage, stimulate and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to better understand their life and their planet. We encourage children to learn from and be inspired by the work of great scientists and understand the contribution science has made to society, both past and present. As pupils progress, we support them to be able to pose increasingly complex scientific questions and carry out experiments to work accurately and analytically. Furthermore, we work to develop their understanding of the nature, processes and methods that can be used to achieve this. By the end of their time at The Winns, we aim for all the children to be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.
At The Winns, science is taught as two one-hour lessons each week in every year group. Teachers plan sequences of lessons across the unit that will build on and develop the children’s knowledge and skills. Each unit of learning has a solid foundation in new knowledge – linked to prior knowledge – that will support the children to understand increasingly complex scientific phenomena and processes. Scientific vocabulary is mapped and taught rigorously to ensure that children can both recognise, understand, and use scientific terminology accurately and confidently. Working Scientifically skills are embedded into lessons to ensure that skills are systematically developed throughout the children’s school career. Opportunities to learn outdoors and explore our natural environment are embedded throughout our science curriculum. Tasks are selected and designed to provide appropriate challenge to all learners, in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion.
Carefully selected skills are planned to best match each unit of knowledge and progress year on year. Opportunities to practise and embed skills are planned for so that they are revisited and refined over time. The knowledge and skills that children will develop throughout each science topic are mapped across each year group and across the school to ensure progression.
Cross curricular links to science are made with Maths and other subject areas. The use of mathematical skills for collecting, presenting, and analysing data are used to strengthen their understanding of an experiment or set of results.
The impact of our science curriculum can be seen in the children’s books. At the beginning of each unit, a detailed overview outlines the main learning objective alongside the skills that the children will build on and those which will follow. The teacher uses mini assessments, including check-its and mini quizzes to ensure learning is being retained. Where learning is not sticking, review lessons are implemented to help ensure this happens. Teachers use the children’s class learning along with observations of their skills when carrying out experiments and investigations, to make a judgement as to whether each child is working towards, at or above the expected level. When teachers start new units, they recap on prior learning and use our threads to deepen children’s understanding and knowledge of science.
At The Winns, children enjoy science and develop the skills and motivation they need to make a successful transition to secondary school and beyond. In addition, children have the understanding that science has changed our lives and that it is vital to the world’s future and its prosperity.
Winns Science Curriculum
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