Our year 4, 5 & 6 school council reps and deputies visited the Houses of Parliament today to learn more about democracy and what it means. They were lucky enough to be shown around both the Houses of Commons and Lords, before taking part in...
Our garden continues to take shape with further work to transplant seedlings into their final destination, including cabbages, beans, pumpkins, squash and courgettes. Potatoes have also been planted this week in preparation for a July harvest. Well done to our brand new year 5 &...
Well done to 2CM who were the latest class to present their learning to parents and families at their class assembly on Thursday morning. The children have been learning all about life cycles and taught us about what that looks like for frogs and chickens....
This year’s Earth Day took place on Monday. Our children took part in a range of activities including a live-streamed assembly from members of David Attenborough’s Planet Earth III team and a live make-along from the V&A. Our year 1 & 2 children even staged...
It has been a busy week for assemblies as 3SH also performed to families and Blue Hall children on Thursday morning. We found out everything that the children had learned about the water cycle and Egyptians, including the Mummy Rap! Well done to all the...
Well done to all the children in 2CS who were one of the latest classes to perform their class assembly to families and other children in Red Hall on Wednesday morning. Using the book Clean Up by Nathan Byron for inspiration, the children learnt all...
This week a group of children from Year 5 and 6 visited Westminster University to take part in a debating competition. Since September, they have been working with an organisation called Debate Mate. Working with university students, they have been learning how to debate, how...
Our year 4 children started a series of cricket coaching sessions with Platform Cricket, a charity who aim to improve the sporting opportunities for children in state schools. The children had a great time learning some of the basics of the game and even had...
Year 6 children had the opportunity to learn more about how to keep you heart healthy for life. A nurse specialist from Barts NHS Trust delivered an informative talk on ways to look after your heart and to keep it in tip-top condition. Our children...